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Dog school, daycare & walking service Doggyland
Doggyland is the dog center in Utrecht where your dog discovers and develops its natural behavior. The shelter, walking service and school for a stress-free and happy dog.
Sign up for the dog school
Sign up for the dog daycare
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Clicker and dog whistle course
On 12 october the clicker and whistle course starts. At this one time course u learn how to correctly reward your dog with a clicker while training with the dog flute, for the owner who wants to learn and try something new.

Tarieven hondenschool
The new course prices starting from september 2024.

Link naar tv opnames
U kunt hier de TV opnames van Doggyland op RTL4 terug zien.

Clicker and dog whistle course
On 12 october the clicker and whistle course starts. At this one time course u learn how to correctly reward your dog with a clicker while training with the dog flute, for the owner who wants to learn and try something new.
Address for Doggyland dogschool
Register exhaust service

Phone number: 0652607720
Opening hours dog shelter
Monday to Friday 07:00 - 19:00
Opening hours dog school
Saturday: 09:00 - 14:00
Teusday: 19:00 - 22:00
About & Subscribe
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