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Combisport course

Anker 1
What is combisport agility?
Combisport agility is a combination of agility and an obedience course . A fun course where you build trust in the dog and the dog builds trust in the owner by means of assignments and the agility course.
During the combisport agility you will learn:
How to train your dog to finish the agility course
Building trust in both the dog and owner
Various obedience commands e.g.: follow, stay, appeal at a distance, here and retrieve
How to hold the dog's attention
and of course having fun with your dog
Course hours:
Saturday: 12:00 -- 12:45
Tuesday: 19:00 -- 19:45
How many lessons:
100 euro

Phone number: 0652607720
Address dog school: Galecopperzoom 7, 3437 PJ Nieuwegein
Opening hours dog shelter
Monday to Friday 07:00 - 19:00
Opening hours dog school
Saturday: 09:00 - 14:00
Teusday: 19:00 - 22:00
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